ADM Blog

Delete old snapshots from Alfresco

If you're an Alfresco user, you may have noticed that it creates a snapshot of the store every time you publish something in the staging sandbox. In time this ads up to a lot of MB. If you wish to delete old snapshots of your store, here's the way to do it with version 2.2+ of Alfresco using the AVM Console

First, open up the console at http://host:port/alfresco/faces/jsp/admin/avm-console.jsp
In the command line box, write

lsver, mystore

(where mystore is the name of your store)
This command will list all the snapshots. Now, you can remove individual snapshots by their id with

rmver, mystore, version

or remove a bunch of snapshots between two dates with

rmvers, mystore, 2010-06-25T10:43:06.214Z, 2010-12-09T12:30:26.769Z

The dates you can get from the list of snapshots. The documentation says that the date must be in ISO 8601 but I got an error trying to copy-paste the date from the list with the timezone at the end (+01:00) so I replaced that with Z and worked just fine.

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